Yesterday they did a biopsy on the mass found in Jeff's head. The doctors have said that it is cancerous and at this point it is inoperable. I'm unsure what other treatment options are available. I do not know any more right now but I will update as soon as possible. Please continue to pray for the entire family they really need us right now.
John 14:1 "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me."
Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."
We have a God of healing, we have a God of power, we have a God of love. Jeff & Jayne, we are praying for you always.
Hello all...just thought I'd enter a comment. What a blessing to be a part of a family that prays!!!! Jeff was able to come home on Friday evening...we are glad for that, but the adjustment to the whole thing is not easy! We hold hands and hug alot!!!! Being with Dalaynee does help keep his spirits up. In 2 wks we should know more about what they found in the sample and what the course of action will be...right now they are talking radiation and maybe chemo later. Because of the location of the tumor he should be able to work...to look at him you wouldn't even know he was sick. That will change though, I think, if the tumor gets bigger. We do feel God's presence and know that HIS will is perfect!!! Please pray for strength, comfort, and healing!!!! Thank you...much love and God's Blessings to all!!!!
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