Monday, September 15, 2008

Update on Kim

Here is an update on Kim, its a letter that Kay sent to me. Please keep praying for her.

Things were looking good, but not this morning. Kim had a bad night last night and had to go into surgery at noon. They removed about 10-12 inches of her intestine. The absess she had in there they think ruptured and that part of the intestine was perforated. So they removed that chunk and connected in again and sewed her up. She has an incision that is about 8 inches long going up and down the middle of her stomach. She's still experiencing alot of pain. They have her on a morphine pump so she can push it every time she needs it, or else it just gives her a dose every hour.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Please Pray for Kim and Jesse

Hi All, I just received this from Kay, please keep them all in your prayers.

Just wanted to ask for some family prayers for Kim and Jesse. Kim was admitted to Luverne Hospital on Mon, afternoon. Had severe stomach pain. Did some tests and finally found an absess on or in (I'm not sure) her intestines. As of this morning(Tues) they were thinking of doing surgery to remove it, but decided to try treating with steriods first. They are going to keep her in the hospital and watch her and see what happens. If the steroids start to work they will keep using them to try and heal this, if not she will have to have it removed.
For now the pain has stopped and she slept well. Jesse was about to start his shift of work yesterday when her pain got really bad. He didn't have time to get anyone to cover for him, so he put Kim in his squad car and and drove down the road at who knows what speed, called her mom to meet them on the highway and her mom took her the rest ot the way to the hospital. Kim said that was quite the experience.
If you could please keep them in your prayers. Jesse for patience because he doesn't do so well with these medical things, and Kim to get thru this and we pray that this isn't the start of many problems with her Chrones Disease.
Thanks everybody! We love you all and will keep you informed!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Aaron & Meg

Meghan McDonough and Aaron Rozeboom (of Gerrit, of Kryna) were united in marriage August 30, 2008 at 12 p.m. in Grand Rapids, MI.

Welcome to the wonderful world of VanHofwegen's Meg!

They will be living in Springfield, Missouri when they return from their honeymoon.

Ellie Marie denHollander

This has been a very long time in coming, but here we welcome into the world little Ellie, born to Lanette and Tim (of Gerrit and Evonne, of Kryna and Dick).
Ellie was born June 2.