Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Oldies but Goodies

Van Hofwegens and smiles go together

Check out the hemlines....

This is NOT Hank Williams Jr. and family..


Corky and Kay said...

Good Grief! I remember that.I wished my legs could show like that now. hahahaha. Age does wonders for your body.Everything takes a slide somewhere.Just love it. Brings back wonderful mem
ories.Love to all. Kay

lauri said...

...are you sure that's not Hank and the family? My goodness that hat is big! Keep them comin, Nette

Kryna said...

Love the pics!

Anonymous said...

I think I recognize those cheeks in that first picture (because I had the same ones as a kid…and perhaps still do today). Do those pinchable checks belong to none other than my mom...Mrs. Cora Kooima? Someone please verify.


lauri said...

Yup, that's lovely Cora with her brother, gerrit, later in life known as a Hank Williams wannabe. I think Auntie Kryna sent that shot to my folks. My mom said that she was always taking pictures...remind you a anyone in the Rozaboom clan?

Anonymous said...

what a neat picture..