Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Little Miss Cleo Neptune

One month old.

Bridgette (daughter of Char and Scott Pittman, grand daughter of Liz Fluit) and Vassily Neptune Welcomed Cleo Alene on March 20. Cleo weighed 6lb. 3oz (I think, correct me if I am wrong) and was 21 in. long. Congrats to the new Momma and Daddy as well as Grandpa, Grandma, Aunties and Uncles!


lauri said...

What a dollie...and I like the name! We don't have a Cleo yet, do we? I don't think so...congrats to all!

Tim and Lanette said...

No, I don't think we have had a Cleo before. I wanted to name James Basil but Tim wouldn't allow it. I'm pretty sure he would have been the first Basil.

PEM Cell Hydrogen said...

Congratulations on another sweet little Hofwegen. She is precious.

lauri said...

isn't Basil a spice? I think that would have could have had that for the middle name, but you had to go a auction that off for heavens sake!

Corky and Kay said...

What a beautiful baby. We are getting anxious for the arrival of our grandson soon. Grammas and grandpas are so silly huh. Just love it. Just a blessing to have children and then along come grandchildren.Kay