Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Welcome Belds!

The Belds have crossed over to the dark side. They have joined in the world of blogging. Check them out at:


lauri said...

So sorry to tell you hon, but the Belds have been residing on the dark side for a good while...

PEM Cell Hydrogen said...

You better watch it cute chic from CA. Mr. Beld could have a warrent out for your arrest and the next time you cross into WA they could wisk you away before faster than you can hollar, "Officer BELD."

Anonymous said...

no comment

lauri said...'s not like you, "just us belds" to not have any comment at all....

Anonymous said...

boy you are a spicy little thing on this blog stuff!!
it is true we have been on the darkside for alot longer than most people know!!:)

lauri said...

I have been called a lot of things...but spicy ain't one of them...