To make it a little bit easyer, copy and paste the basic info below into your e-mail and fill in the appropriate information. Please send it to: sparkiethe8thdwarf@hotmail.com
Name and address:
Home phone:
Cell phone:E-mail/e-mails:
Date of births:
We also would like to put your family picture under your imformation (like the last address book...love it!) So if can send a picture through sometime as well that would be great. If not, we may be forced to use ones which would normally reserved for blackmail. :)
I'll get right on that cuz I know there are bunches of blackmail pictures out there that you WOULD use.
Its looking like there may be a good many of the blackmail pictures in use! Just kidding, I will send out an mass e-mail shortly too.
as soon as my son gets home ill have a picture for ya
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