Thursday, April 24, 2008

Like the New Header?

A BiG THANK YOU goes out to cousin Laur for making a new header for our blog. Coincidently it actually goes very well with the theme Kryna has been working hard on for the '09 Reunion. Good work!

Note From Kay

Be sure also to check out the links on the sidebar. Kay has recently started a blog. Here is the address:
you'll also find it under "Members of the Clan".

This is an update on my dad, Case. He seen the nurologist today and got the results from the mri of the brain. Parkinsons was ruled out.What a blessing. They only seen one little wave and they said it was possibly from his sugar diabetes.Next week now they are supposed to see the heart specialist and get the results from the other tests.He started his therapy and mom said he seemed actually impressed.May God bless everyone.Corky and Kay

Friday, April 11, 2008

Aaron & Meg

Aaron Rozeboom and Meghan McDonough are engaged! Yeah!

The wedding is set for August 30, 2008 in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

If you can make it out to MI, they would love to see you.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Update on Uncle Case

Uncle Case has been having some more testing this week . They have been having some frustrations with the Dr. so please pray it all goes well and for patience for Uncle Case and Aunt Albertha.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


As promised, here is a picture of newest memeber of the Van Clan.
Welcome Roland James!

Note: If anyone has any news, be sure to e-mail me. Or if you don't have a blog, just a quick little family update to post would be great too.